Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Pulpit Swapping = Stronger Community Ties?

This recent article in my local newspaper (link here) draws attention to the resurgence of pulpit and choir swapping as a powerful and effective way to bridge communities.

"The pulpit swap was seen as a way to focus on the unity of the church rather than the separation of the church. It helps us understand each other better and helps break down barriers. God tells us in his word there's only one church.

Perhaps as a reflection of a self-centered generation in churches, pulpit swaps seemed to fall out of favor. But with real-life social crossover limited by individuals focusing on television and social networking sites on computers, perhaps there's a growing hunger for a return to the sense of a larger community that pulpit swaps and choir swaps can offer."

Can your church speak to the benefits of this practice? I'm always interested in hearing from you.